
CKBoxViewConfig (ckbox)





  • hideMaximizeButton : boolean | undefined

    Sets whether to hide the ‘Maximize’ button. By default, the button is shown and enabling this option will hide it.

  • openLastView : boolean | undefined

    If it is set to false the last view visited by the user will not be reopened on the next startup.

  • startupCategoryId : string | undefined

    Sets the ID of the category that will be opened on startup. This option can be paired with setting view.openLastView to false to enforce CKBox to always open in a given category at startup. If view.startupCategoryId is passed along with the view.startupFolderId option, CKBox will prioritize opening category view on the startup.

  • startupFolderId : string | undefined

    Sets the ID of the folder that will be opened on startup. This option can be paired with setting view.openLastView to false to enforce CKBox to always open in a given folder at startup.