Environmental variables

These are the environment variables used to configure the application when the container is started. The list contains a full set of available environmental variables.

Detailed instructions and explanations can be found in dedicated sections for each part of the configuration. Use the menu on the left side to select the section you are interested in.

DATABASE_DRIVER                          - optional (default: "mysql")
DATABASE_HOST                            - required
DATABASE_PORT                            - optional (default: 3306)
DATABASE_USER                            - optional (default: "root"), but it is highly recommeneded you change it
DATABASE_PASSWORD                        - optional (default: "password"), but it is highly recommeneded you change it
DATABASE_DATABASE                        - optional (default: "cs-on-premises")
DATABASE_SCHEMA                          - optional (default: "cs-on-premises", used for Postgres driver)
DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE                      - optional
DATABASE_SSL_CA                          - optional
DATABASE_SSL_KEY                         - optional
DATABASE_SSL_CERT                        - optional
REDIS_HOST                               - required
REDIS_PORT                               - optional (default: 6379)
REDIS_DB                                 - optional (default: 1)
REDIS_PASSWORD                           - optional
REDIS_TLS_CA                             - optional
REDIS_TLS_KEY                            - optional
REDIS_TLS_CERT                           - optional
REDIS_TLS_ENABLE                         - optional (default: false)
REDIS_DISABLE_DNS_LOOKUP                 - optional (default: false)
REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES                      - optional
REDIS_IP_FAMILY                          - optional (required only when using an IPv6 domain as `REDIS_HOST` or `REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES`)
APPLICATION_HTTP_PORT                    - optional (default: 8000)
LICENSE_KEY                              - required
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_DRIVER             - optional (default: "database")
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_LOCATION           - optional (default: "/var/cs/collaboration", required for file system driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID      - optional (required for AWS S3 driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY  - optional (required for AWS S3 driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_REGION             - optional (required for AWS S3 driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_ENDPOINT           - optional (required for AWS S3 driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_BUCKET             - optional (required for AWS S3 driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME       - optional (required for Azure Blob Storage driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY        - optional (required for Azure Blob Storage driver)
COLLABORATION_STORAGE_CONTAINER          - optional (required for Azure Blob Storage driver)
USE_BUILT_IN_COLLABORATION_WORKER        - optional (default: true)
ENABLE_METRIC_LOGS                       - optional (default: false)
MIGRATE_ONLY                             - optional (default: false)