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Update to CKEditor 5 v44.x

When updating your CKEditor 5 installation, ensure all the packages are the same version to avoid errors.

You may try removing the package-lock.json or yarn.lock files (if applicable) and reinstalling all packages before rebuilding the editor. For best results, make sure you use the most recent package versions.

# Update to CKEditor 5 v44.0.0

Released on December 2, 2024.

For the entire list of changes introduced in version 44.0.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v44.0.0.

Below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v44.0.0.

# Required license key configuration

Version 44.0.0 introduced a change in the license configuration. The config.licenseKey is now a required property in the editor configuration. Whether you are using CKEditor 5 commercially or under open-source terms, you will need to specify this property in your configuration.

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        licenseKey: '<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>' // Or 'GPL'.

        // ... Other configuration options ...

    } )
    .then( /* ... */ )
    .catch( /* ... */ );
  • Commercial licenses: When upgrading to version 44.0.0 or later, users with a commercial license must update their license key to the new format. To update your license key, log in to the Customer Portal and copy the key associated with your subscription into your editor’s configuration.
  • Open-source installations:
    • Self-hosted (npm/ZIP) installations: If you are self-hosting CKEditor 5 under the GPL 2+ terms or as a part of our Open Source support project, you need to set config.licenseKey to 'GPL' in your configuration.

    • Cloud (CDN) installations: For cloud-distributed CKEditor 5 served via our CDN, you must obtain a license key from the Customer Portal. Create a free account and add the provided license key to your editor configuration.

      During the 14-day trial (automatically activated upon signup), you can explore all Premium Features. After the trial ends, usage metering and editor load limits specific to your chosen plan will apply. Learn more about available plans and usage-based billing.

Read more in our guides about license keys and usage-based billing.

# New license key format

A new license key format has been introduced. Previous license keys will no longer work after updating the editor to version 44.0.0 and above.

We also changed the way the development license key works. To prevent it from accidental usage on production it is limited only to development domains, shows informational label, and has operational limit. Read more about the details.

Acquiring new keys:

  1. Access the Customer Portal: Log in to the Customer Portal to obtain your new license key.
  2. Update configuration: Replace the old license key in your editor configuration with the new key.

For more information or assistance, please refer to our documentation or contact our support team.

# Self-service plans and new Customer Portal

The new self-service plans make accessing CKEditor Premium Features easier than ever. You can now choose the plan that best suits your needs and get started quickly with commitment-free trials.

Plans are managed through a new, dedicated Customer Portal, where you can access license keys, track usage, manage billing, and submit support requests-all from one place.

Learn more about the different plans available or start your 14-day free trial.