CKEditor 5 v43.3.0: Bug Fixes, Performance Improvements and Export to Word Watermark Support
CKEditor 5 v43.3.0 introduces improved document handling, Export to Word watermarks, and seamless bug fixes.
CKEditor 5 v43.3.0: Bug Fixes, Performance Improvements and Export to Word Watermark Support
CKEditor 5 v43.3.0 introduces improved document handling, Export to Word watermarks, and seamless bug fixes.
CKEditor 4.8 with pasting images from Word and balloon toolbar
Good news, everyone! We are happy to announce the release of the latest major CKEditor version. CKEditor 4.8 comes with plenty of new features - including pasting images from Microsoft Word, clipboard enhancements for Microsoft Edge and a brand new Balloon Toolbar plugin. Read on for a detailed overview of all the new features!
8th developer preview of CKEditor 5 available
We would like to let you know that the 8th developer preview of CKEditor 5 has just been tagged as version v0.8.0.
CKEditor 4.6.1 released
We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 4.6.1. This is the first minor release that follows the well-received CKEditor 4.6 and contains some bug fixes, including a noteworthy improvement in the Color Button plugin. Read on for more information!
Build a WYSIWYG editor in-house or use an off-the-shelf solution?
You often consider writing a new piece of software when the products already available on the market seem insufficient in terms of their functionalities, or simply do not fit the goals of your company. It’s obvious that you wouldn’t want to use a random out-of-the-box solution that doesn’t exactly do what you intended it to do. However, when you consider these few points before you decide to create a completely new content editing solution, it becomes clear that reinventing the wheel is the last thing in which your company should be involved.
5 Reasons Why Open Source Software Is Perfect For Enterprise Solutions
Open Source Software came a long way from being created and maintained by passionate developers looking for game-changing solutions, to becoming the backbone of the tech industry. Past few years saw the rise of investment in open source solutions by such tech moguls as IBM, Intel, Facebook, and Google - to name just a few.
4 Common CKEditor Installation Mistakes And How To Avoid Them
In our past blog post entitled “Intro to Customizing CKEditor 4” we have written about the basics of customizing your CKEditor version using the predefined download packages, CKBuilder and the Add-Ons Repository.
5 Tips on How to Improve Accessibility When Creating Your Web Content in a WYSIWYG Editor
The first thing you usually want to achieve when creating online content is to reach the maximum possible audience. Most ways of increasing your reach are usually connected to digital marketing campaigns and online advertising, however you have to be sure that your content was created accessible from the get-go.
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